An Introduction

Hello Reader,

Music in the World of Noise appears to be a very Utopian title for a blog. As you read the posts subsequently, however, you will discover that it is more self talk than anything else. The noise, like the music is very much in my head.

At every point of my existence as a music composer and a human being I stumble across question marks. These question marks are very tricky and they do not dissect my life into questions posed to music composer and questions posed to a human being. Somewhat like the famous line in the film Deewar – “Lagta hai bhai ke bhes mein mujrim baat kar raha hai!”.

I am aware of the fact that the internet is medium of information. But I don’t intend to contribute to the information explosion in any manner (one reason being that there are great chances that I might impart the wrong information!) Jokes apart, The bottom line is – In this New Year, I seek your company on this ride to self-discovery.

Happy New Year!

© Kaushal S. Inamdar


  1. Anonymous says:

    hello kaushal,
    as the name of the blog is very intersting, I was very enthu to read it. I suppose this is only the intro. hope to read interesting matter from you.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hey Kaushal this seems like a good thought and start to a brand new year. Interesting to read your insights. Humans started with noise and I assume there were no instruments to start with. Nature must have been the basic mentor. With many ‘compositions’ today, we just might be turning back. Its interesting though that influence of market, driven by demand created by an even increasing audience who seek solace in chaos, which comforts them is something to be examined in greater detail. Looking forward to hear from you and maybe provoke some interesting conversations. All the Best wishes and may the force be with you and family always. Love Sachin Golwalkar

  3. aditi says:

    hi there

    interesting to read your blog. This new year has given a good start for me by getting in touch with you..I am passionate music lover.. i agree to your the way for years together i wanted this opportunity to be in touch with you to tlel youthat I just love the song ” Manbhar daravale sanjavatana divas gelela..” if i am not mistaken its composed by you..sung by ajit parab..lovely composition..
    looking forward to share more..

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi Kaushal,
    i hv cmpletely fallen in love with ur insights…and yes i also agree with u on the “Remix”…dho i hv sung for very very few remixes myself..But luckily for me the very few ones that i did..i can say that it was sensibly rearranged so as to retain the original flavour..but thats about all..and i jst hope & pray..infact i know that good music…meaning real good & soulful music will surface with music composers like u & Shantanu & few others….
    will be in tch….hamsi

  5. amit says:

    kaushal you rock. thats a very nice way of puting your thoughts.wish you all the best and take care

  6. Anonymous says:

    Greatwork dude, nice to know the concept, looking forword for more fun and information about music.Surely you can look forword to start a discussion blog for the music lovers and the people who can and love to put their thoughts on paper.

    Wish you great luck,


  7. Anonymous says:

    hi kaushal,
    very interesting to read your thoughts all these years after college. its heartening to see that all that passion and commitment has been channelised so meaningfully. wishing you the best, always….

  8. Hi Kaushal! Chitra here 🙂
    It’s a pleasure to read your blog…! Keep up the good work!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hi Kaushal,

    Great to see you here!!

    I must tell you, you did a great job in the movie Not only Mrs Raut… Speacially the song Nako dewaraya…Its amazing.


  10. Nirmal V. Shah says:

    Dear Kaushal,

    I decided to visit your blog a few months since it was launched and guess what….you lived up to your reputation!

    I enjoyed reading what I did and would like to read more of it. Please continue contributing to it.
    On the remix piece, I feel the generation for whom an original was meant to be would perhaps not enjoy a remix. But to me, there are a few numbers that actually appeal more when remixed. There could also be a view – to popularize / build continuity it becomes necessary to tweak the original, ever so slightly!

    Take care and best regards to everyone at home.

  11. BRAHMA says:

    bravo zulu,

  12. Anonymous says:

    kaushal, you have a come a long way from Ruparel canteen. The abhanga is really nice. Kudos to you and the very talented singer.
    Keep it up!
    PS maybe you can post some of your Urdu poetry also on this blog.

  13. anand says:

    Hi kaushal
    heard ur nice song y’day in Sare gama pa base don on morning raga. Was it bhatiyar. Is it recorded song ? If yes part of which album ?
    Would be glad if u can respond to

  14. Vir says:

    Wonderful…I feel pretty much the same, which is why my blog, LifeStrings, is also about self-expression. 🙂 I found your blog from a link in your signature on a swarganga email. Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts with so many people!

  15. Anant says:

    Hello Kaushal,

    Your blog is impressive! The section on Rahman is a very good read and your enquiry and composition of ‘nako Devaraya’ brings out a new musical experience! The well-known tune has been so popular that it has been registered deep in memory. Your tune expresses the “aartataa”(intensity) so well, but more importantly, it stands apart on sheer musical merit and I like it.

    On the SaReGaMaPa show, you came across as a witty, simple and sincere person with lots of talent. This blog has strengthened that impressions with your multi-faceted writings.

    keep up the good work!


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