
July 29, 2014

The Religion is Love

I was the chief guest at a CD release function some time back. Dr. Shashank Inamdar, a music loving doctor from Goregaon composed music for an album based on the Ganapati Atharvashirsha. The songs were sung by veteran music composer Shridhar Phadke and sung by the supremely talented Sadhana Sargam. […]
September 3, 2013


It is the birthday of Pyarelal Sharma today. I don’t know how old he turns today. The music of Laxmikant-Pyarelal (LP) however refuses to turn old. I can talk a lot about LP’s music but I’ll reserve that for some other time. One blogpost is not going to be enough […]
August 19, 2013

Dayaghana Re… A Prayer from PITRUROON

As I type this post I am sitting in Susmit’s Limaye’s music room in Goregaon. We are in the middle of the 3rd reel of composing the background score for PitruRoon, a movie being directed by Nitish Bharadwaj. Nitish is directing his first movie and his enthusiasm is infectious. We […]
March 9, 2013

Nominations Galore!

18 nominations for Radio Mirchi Marathi Music Awards for AJINTHA! 6 music related nominations in Zee Gaurav! Phew! I really hadn’t expected that. Prior to this I had received only one nomination and only one competitive award! Frankly speaking, I haven’t had much of a love affair with awards. Awards […]
June 19, 2011

Some of my favourite musicians – Part 1

The best part of being a music composer in Mumbai is that you get to work with a lot of talented musicians. While doing Marathi Abhimaangeet and then later BALGANDHARVA, I worked with a lot of musicians who gave immense pleasure to the composer in me. I thought of writing […]
June 30, 2010

खिडकीएवढे आभाळ

(हा लेख ‘सकाळ’ मध्ये ‘गुड मॉर्निंग’ या सदरात दि. ३० जून रोजी छापून आला आहे.) हे सगळे लेख मी माझ्या खोलीत संगणकावर लिहितो. समोर संगणकाचा स्क्रीन आणि उजव्या हाताला एक खिडकी असं एकंदर नेपथ्य या सगळ्या लेखनप्रक्रियेला लाभलेलं आहे. जरा कंटाळा आला किंवा सुचेनासं झालं की मी या खिडकीबाहेर एक […]
March 5, 2010

Marathi Abhiman Geet – The Video

Marathi Abhimaangeet is not a song only for those whose mother tongue is Marathi, it is a song for all of those who have a mother tongue. – Kaushal S. Inamdar  To set caller tune of Marathi Abhimaangeet SMS ‘SEM1’ to 56060. Marathi Abhimaangeet on Wikipedia
January 31, 2010

रात्रीचा चहा

  मराठी अभिमानगीताच्या प्रकाशनाची तारीख जवळ आली तशी धामधूम वाढलीये. एखाद्या व्हिडियो गेममधे जसं शेवटच्या टप्प्यावर असतांना चारही बाजूंनी आव्हानांचा मारा सुरू होतो, तशी आत्ताची परीस्थिती झालीये! दिवसरात्र एक करून कामं करावी लागतायत, शरीर-मन एकमेकांना थकण्याची परवानगी देत नाही!  मित्र, सहकारी एकत्र आलेत आणि कामाला वेग आलेला आहे. बहुतेक वेळा […]
January 7, 2010

लागले मन परतीच्या वाटेवरती

लागले मन परतीच्या वाटेवरती… ‘जान्हवी’ या अल्बमची सगळी गाणी अष्टनायिका या विषयावर आधारलेली आहेत. ‘मन परतीच्या वाटेवरती’ हे कलहान्तारिका या नायिकेचं गीत आहे. प्रियकराशी भांडल्यावर पश्चात्ताप झालेली ही नायिका आता व्याकुळ आहे. गुरू ठाकुरने शब्द लिहून दिले आणि त्यावर मी चाल बांधली. चाल झाल्यावर वाटलं की मन परतीच्या वाटेवर आहे […]
December 19, 2009

कसे जाता लगी!

kase jaata lagi full song गीत – अशोक बागवेसंगीत – कौशल श्री. इनामदारगायिका – जान्हवी प्रभू-अरोरा